Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The weather is always perfect here. It could be a little cooler but for the most part its fantastic. 80-90s but always a nice breeze. Locke and I go on a walk at least once a day on the beach in front of our condo. We always see something interesting. Like today we saw a couple of dudes wading out in the water with a spear so I pushed Locke out in the water(its not that deep)(oh and I have the most amazing stroller in the world, the baby jogger....thank you women of Cushing). and we went to see what they were catching. By the time we got over there one of the dudes pulled up a HUGE octopus and just swung it around his neck and was headed out of the water. I asked what they were catching and they were like "whatever we can". Today must have been a good day with that octopus cause they were excited!

Locke loves sitting in the water on the beach. He is not scared of anything! Which I guess is good.....but between he and Clint I am always keeping one eye open.

We are going to the Chamorro Village tonight. I guess there is a big festival and market there every wed night. Music, food, and fun.....Oh by the way the local people of Guam are called Chamorro. So the festival is a way to try local foods and check out local entertainment. I am excited....I like checking out different cultures and different foods so i will let you know how it goes.

Oh Locke took four steps today! Yeah he is a walking boy. He is getting so big. Everyone always said" it goes by fast"....When I wasn't sleeping and doing the teething thing i was always like "when, cause it sure doesn't seem to be going by that fast". Now, I cant believe he will be one in a couple of months. He is fantastic and he sleeping so good now. And by the way Clint is the best dad in the whole world. Really, he is awesome Locke is a blessed baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. i am soo happy for you all - i had NOOOOO doubts that clint would be a wonderful daddy (and thats not being biased at all - ) fantastic that locke took steps and we all have blogs and skype so can hear about it - luv you all gramma
