Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ross dress for less

So, we learned that the place to shop in Guam is Ross Dress for Less. Just for odds and ends like bathroom stuff, bedding, and whatever other household items you need. It's supposed to be the cheapest place.....Kmart was what we initially thought was the place to go but it is SO overpriced for all the tourist so we don't go there anymore.....anyways back to Ross.....It is a living nightmare....I mean so many people crammed into one store to buy knick knacks....I made the mistake the first time I went and took Locke, filled my cart to the top, and waited in line for like 30min to find out you can't take the cart outside of the store! So, they put my cart behind the cash wrap and I had to make 5 tips back and forth with Locke in one arm and a sack in the other! It was one of the worst days of my life. But, it is really cheap. But, with really cheap come lots of work and LOTS of patience. I will never let Clint go in there. Who knows what he would do. They get new shipments on Tuesdays and everyone is lined up at the door at 10am ready to devour that place. It's unbelievable. Sometimes they are out of carts. That's when I just walk back out and say "ill try again later".


  1. Bring Clint there and film it.
    Miss you guys - keep us posted. This blog just popped up on my FB. Looks cool.

  2. I agree with Judd...he could be the next youtube any it the filipinos waiting outside the Ross in droves..I know my people!

  3. It's a good idea.....but you guys arent the ones that would have to deal with getting him out of jail!

    Yeah, Justin they like buy stuff just to buy stuff! It's very intresting to see whats in eveyones cart.
